Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The Corsarius Expands

No, I'm not getting fat! Rather --

It's official. The Corsarius, yours truly, now has his own website.

Curtains up!

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Though up and running for several weeks now, I wanted to tweak the site until I was satisfied with it. Now, I believe it's ready for full public 'consumption'.

But that's not all. Very recently, I've started a second blog, christened the Crimson Crux. It will house my 'serious' writings and papers. Don't worry. Slip of the Pen will still be my darling.

So if you have the time, please drop by these two sites. I'd really, really appreciate it. Thanks!

[I'd like to express my deepest gratitude to my bestfriend, Sophia, who designed these two sites. She is what I'd call a webmistress extraordinaire. I'm just the content guy. I've got near-to-nil layout and graphics skills. Again, thank you so much, Ia-chan!]